Integrated Daily Dialogic Mentorship Town Hall

The Field Of Secular Psychology Just Isn’t Cutting It For Those Looking For Real, Integrated Christian Accompaniment

that actually works!

Join us for a State of the Industry discussion on healing the integrated

body and soul using a new truly Catholic approach to mental wellness

Psychotherapy has held a 100-year

tenure in the mental health industry

...and it’s time for a disruption

Just because this is the only way it’s always been done, doesn’t mean it’s the best way.

Secular psychology is fundamentally fractured as it fails to truly

accept and heal the whole person, both psyche and soul.

As therapists, we’re forced to give a number, label or code to whatever you’re experiencing.

The diagnostic system is subjective and inhumane.

The concepts you believe in and are most important to you as a Catholic are NOT allowed in psychotherapy.

You can’t talk about God the way we actually believe and talk about God.

The 45-minute session was created by insurance companies to monetize your mental health suffering.

The model does not integrate with the daily flow of life.

As therapists, we’re forced to give a number, label or code to whatever you’re experiencing.

The diagnostic system is subjective and inhumane.

The concepts you believe in and are most important to you as a Catholic are NOT allowed in psychotherapy.

You can’t talk about God the way we actually believe and talk about God.

The 45-minute session was created by insurance companies to monetize your mental health suffering.

The model does not integrate with the daily flow of life.

This model does not reflect a life of Faith.

We are not (legally) allowed to talk about God as the real agent of change, the Father who loves us and directs our path, and takes care of us as His children.

And this is part of the problem.

True accompaniment and the healing work of God should not be

constrained by these secular, institutional limitations.

This model does not reflect a life of Faith.

We are not (legally) allowed to talk about God as the real agent of change, the Father who loves us and directs our path, and takes care of us as His children.

And this is part of the problem.

True accompaniment and the healing work of God should not be

constrained by these secular, institutional limitations.

Meet Your Host

Dr. Greg Bottaro

For too long the field of psychotherapy has tried to follow a medical model.

The medical model is one in which the body is the main object of intervention.

Unfortunately, most people confuse the body for the PERSON as well.

I don’t want to participate in this lie any longer. We are more than bodies. And those of us in the helping profession need to do more to treat the WHOLE person.

Director & Founder, CatholicPsych Institute

Meet Your Host

Dr. Greg Bottaro

Director & Founder, CatholicPsych Institute

For too long the field of psychotherapy has tried to follow a medical model.

The medical model is one in which the body is the main object of intervention.

Unfortunately, most people confuse the body for the PERSON as well.

I don’t want to participate in this lie any longer. We are more than bodies. And those of us in the helping profession need to do more to treat the WHOLE person.

We’re not just bodies and we’re not just spirits either. Humans are a unity of both and it takes a lot to find the right kind of help that addresses them together.

we’re changing that now.

We’re not just bodies and we’re not just spirits either. Humans are a unity of both and it takes a lot to find the right kind of help that addresses them together.

we’re changing that now.

After years of working with people from every walk of life, and especially after helping people not only get through, but flourish after a year and a half of quarantine, we’ve found a new model for mental wellness.

Because if we’re disrupting a hundred year old institution…imagine how we can support you in disrupting…

  • that 20-year habit you just can’t kick
  • the 5 year long silent battle you’ve been waging, or
  • your 2-year long addiction

…With a model that’s built on 2,000 years of Catholic truth.

I can’t wait to tell you about how you can use this new model to support your whole self in becoming a holier self.

After years of working with people from every walk of life, and especially after helping people not only get through, but flourish after a year and a half of quarantine, we’ve found a new model for mental wellness.

Because if we’re disrupting a hundred year old institution…imagine how we can support you in disrupting…

  • that 20-year habit you just can’t kick
  • the 5 year long silent battle you’ve been waging, or
  • your 2-year long addiction

…With a model that’s built on 2,000 years of Catholic truth.

I can’t wait to tell you about how you can use this new model to support your whole self in becoming a holier self.

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